Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 10/28/2009 - 10:10

We are a 4th Grade class from Sauquoit Elementary School. That is the town next to where you went to High School in Chadwicks. We read about this in the Pennysaver and are excited to follow your trip. You must really be excited, too. What kinds of things will you have to be doing down there?

Mrs. Waldeck's 4th Grade

Mr. Petzke

Hi Michele,
It was great to hear your program yesterday at the Elementary School. It sounds like a super time wish I was there. Enjoy your last few days on the ice and have a safe trip home.
Mr. P

Michele Cross

Hi Mr. Petzke!
I was tickled to hear that you were there!! I always tell people and am so incredibly grateful for the top notch teachers that I had all throughout. I truly did receive a quality education by teachers who cared. That went a long way in pushing me into the education field. So, THANK YOU!!
You know I always liked science best. Physics was the most challenging, but I sure wish I could retake it now that my brain is fully developed---LOL!! And, after being around all these engineers, there has to be a TON of new neurons firing off up in there!!Maybe I should strike while the iron's hot, huh??
This has been the opportunity and experience of a lifetime, and I REALLY don't want it to end. Too bad I couldn't package students up and get them here. I guarantee that they would never look at their life or the world the same again.
We're off to the sea ice edge tomorrow to deploy SCINI off the edge. Hoping for an entertaining penguin day and possibly a whale sighting or two!!Am very curious if SCINI will get to the bottom to take more fabulous images!
And, again...thank you so much for what you did for me as a student. It was your enthusiasm and teaching style that allowed the science geek side of me to continue to grow and thrive. And, anyone who knows me will tell you that the "geeky" side is still alive and well!! Thanks for giving to ALL of us over the years!!!

Mrs. Waldeck's class

Hi Mrs. Cross,Mrs. Waldeck said that she would love to be in a snowball fight! LOL! She also likes to make snowmen.
We really enjoyed the live event and you did a great job speaking. We loved the pictures. They were very cool. What building did you do the live event in? Do you know how many people were listening and where they were from? How many people were doing the live event? How did you find the remains of the fish? We noticed some red dots in some of the pictures. They weren't the arrows to show what you were talking about, it was something else. Do you know what they were? How do you keep track of every place that SCINI dives? Has SCINI ever stopped working while it is in the ocean?
We watched some of your videos about the camp. Our favorite one was about the Throne Room. LOL
Your #1 Fans,
Mrs. Waldeck's class

Michele Cross

Hey guys!! I LOVE a good snowball long as no one gets hurt, that is. And, I DO NOT throw like a girl, so watch out!!Thanks so much again for joining us, and thanks for the feedback. I get soooo nervous!!!! We were in Crary lab in the upstairs conference room, and all of my team was there along with Mr. Wesche (PolarTREC teacher on another project and Jean Pennycook who works on penguin research). I'm not sure how many were listening...probably over 100 easily. And, they were from all over the country!
We found the remains of the fish when we were looking for places to drill and either put SCINI in or set up navigation...after drilling, of course. And, sometimes they were found when we were hikng around after working and were waiting for the helo. (Sure am going to miss helo'ing to work...LOL!)
The red dots you saw were lasers. They are spaced 10 cm apart, so that gives us a size reference when we see "critters" on the sea floor. For instance, if you saw a sea spider that was 2 times bigger that the distance between the red dots, then we know that sea spider is about 20 cm big!
Every time SCINI is on, her cameras are recording the 17 images/sec that I was talking about. So yes, every single dive is recorded and then saved on the computer. When we get back to camp or the lab, the dives are then backed up on an external hard drive.
In terms of SCINI not working in the ocean, if the generator runs out of gas, we have a few minutes to refuel before she would stop working. I'm not sure that I remember a time where she just stopped ...for my time here anyways.
And, yes...I figured the Throne Room would be a hit! Glad you liked it!! LOL!!!
Well, gotta grab breakfast and get to the lab as there is much to do today!!! Take care!!!
YOUR #1 Fan!
Mrs. Cross

Mr. Petzke

Hello again Michelle,
I hope you got some great pictures when you went out the other day. Guess what? I am subbing for Physics today. I don't do it often but still enjoy working with the students and keeping my mind sharp. Your students will really benefit from your experience these past several weeks. I always enjoyed attending different programs and bringing back new ideas into the classroom. Have a good week.
Mr. P

Michele Cross

Hey Mr. P.....just can't stay away, huh?? We have many retired teacher who sub as well...good for you!! I did get plenty of pictures last Friday. The penguins were the best!! So funny and curious!!!! We're set to leave tomorrow....sadly, so just finishing up some last minute things on this end. Take care!!
To: mcross@polartrec.comnny!!!
Sent: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 09:24:49 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Michelle Cross

Mrs. Waldeck's class

Dear Mrs. Cross,Boy, were we excited and surprised to get your phone call. We were all jammed in our principal's office. Our teacher told us that we were just there to talk with her about PolarTrec. We had to go there because she couldn't leave her office. (supposedly) Were you nervous to talk to us on the phone? Was it hard to make the phone call?
I'm not sure if we already asked you this, but was Science your favorite subject in school? Will you still email us when you get back? When you come home, will you be making the same stops? Will you just take a plane or will you also take a boat? Will it take as long? Will they still be putting SCINI in the ocean after you leave? Some of us thought we heard you say that already, but some of us didn't so we thought we'd ask again.
Your #1 Fans,
Mrs. Waldeck's class

Michele Cross

Hey everyone!!I was prety exxcited about calling you guys. I just didn't realize you were in the principal's office--FUNNY!! (OK...maybe not for some of you...LOL!!) Believe it or not, I wasn't nervous about talking to yuo guys. It's talking to and in front of adults that make me nervous! It took a bit of time to get connected out of here but not too bad. The bandwith here is shared by all computers and phones. Imagine at home where you have Road Runner for your internet. Now put 1200 people in that home. That's what we're all sharing. That's a lot of people using limited bandwith. AND math were my favorites!! Geometry, Biology and Chemistry were my favorites within those areas.
Remember that I still have MANY  things to blog about, so keep following, and of course, I'll still e-mail you guys!!
As far as my return, it's not the same. I'll leave Christchurch on Sunday...go to Sydney, to Honolulu then to LAX. From there I'll go to Charlotte, NC, to Philly and then home to Elmira. That's 48 hours of travel. Let's hope the weather is fine, and I make all my connections...AND that I actually have a seat on all legs of my flights!! (All planes!)
SCINI will split into two projects for next season down here. Not sure if you saw the very end of the Live Event. But, Bob is making a slightly bigger SCINI designed to go deeper, and Stacy will be using the original SCINI on a couple of different projects. So, she will be going in the ocean again!
Well, time for b'fast! I've been up since 4 am--EEEEK!!!!
YOUR #1 Fan!!
Mrs. Cross

Giovanni Evans

Dear Ms. Cross, I am a student from Mrs. Waldeck's class. I have been excited to have been e-mailing you the past few weeks. I have one question: In your videos it says directed by apple, is apple a computer or a person? I hope you have a great trip, I know that you left today up here but yesterday in Antartica. I hope that you will be able to come visit our class sometime soon. Did you ever watch any TV while you where down there? Till tomorrow, thank you, your friend Gio. ( my name is Italian for John)

Michele Cross

Hey Giovanni! I LOVE it!!! I've certainly been enjoying being in touch with you guys as well! Thanks for adopting me!!Great question...Bob Bone and Apple Computers have loaned me a MacBook and will allow me to do some post-Antarctic work with it as well. When you create a movie using iMovie, especially if you use a specific format (like the scrapbook or photo album), the "Directed by Apple" is part of the package....meaning that they've created and developed all the tools I need to quickly and easily make a great movie for you guys. And, my last screen ALWAYS thanks Bob Bone and Apple for allowing me to  use a TERRIFIC product!!!! It makes my life MUCH easier!!!
We are set to fly back to Christchurch at 10 pm tonight, so we'll get there in time for the sun to rise...and for breakfast...then I'll nap a bit. (We haven't seen night in over 6 weeks!!)
As far as TV, NO!! And I didn't miss it!! I did catch sports highlights outside of the galley here and there, but the TV in our room stays unplugged and disconnected. 
Have a great rest of the week and be looking for more posts!!
Mrs. Cross

Giovanni Evans

hey Mrs.crossI woke up at 4o'clock this you have snowmobiles down there?
well i gotta go my sister is eating my dirty socks.


To Mrs. Cross If there was lepored seals would it be any different? How deep do u guys think they would be living in the water dept? Where do they live tho in Antarctica would it be danger? And if there was would be safe to stay where u r?
Your friend

Giovanni Evans

Hey Mrs.crossI'm in school right now in the computer lab. Are you on a jet or a regular plane? Oh so you don't ask yes my sister was eating my socks. i just got my email address this morning i've been using my mom's.
your friend,


Hi Mrs. Cross,I heard that you use a MacBook. I REALLY want a MacBook. I wanted it for Christmas but my mom and dad said it was to expensive. (Last time I checked it was $734 or something like that...) I make videos and short films so I think that would be an AMAZING movie editing program. Because it is like a
professinol program!
Good thing that you are coming back just in time for Christmas!! :)
I just watched the Dream Flags video.
Will you ever be doing anything like this again? (like going to Antartica...)
Have a graet week! =)
A huge fan,
▒♦~!Ben ¢♂nigÜ↓i@ro!~♦▒
P.S. Hope you didn't get any lung butter on you...LOL!


Hi, Mrs.Cross!Hi, it's me again, Katherine.
Right now I'm in there computer lab with my classmades. They are typing to you,too.
I just had to watch one of your videos. I'm not sure what's it called.
Now, about the phone call. I was surprised when Mrs. Newton said "hold on, let me put you on speaker phone".
Well, gotta go! Bye!


Dear Mrs. CrossWhere are you right now? Today we are supposed to get 2 to 4 inches of snow.What do you mean by the old verson of SCINI?Where was the best place you went to sleep in a tent?Don't your legs hurt when you walk around so much.How do the bulidings not break the ice?How did the dream flags not fall down?Would you rather be home or be at Antartica.Our whole class is writing to you.Who was the person trying to get you off the pole?Well I have to go now.
P.S.Have a great trip
Your#1 fan Ben Vanderpool


Dear Mrs. CrossWhere are you right now? Today we are supposed to get 2 to 4 inches of snow.What do you mean by the old verson of SCINI?Where was the best place you went to sleep in a tent?Don't your legs hurt when you walk around so much.How do the bulidings not break the ice?How did the dream flags not fall down?Would you rather be home or be at Antartica.Our whole class is writing to you.Who was the person trying to get you off the pole?Well I have to go now.
P.S.Have a great trip
Your#1 fan Ben Vanderpool

Abby Eberle

Hi Mrs.CrossIm a student from Mrs.Waldeck Im having a fun time following you and your team. When you where school did you play sports? Did you see alot of animals? How many pengins have you seen and how many kinds are there?
Your friend,Abby

Breanna Cardona

Hi Mrs.Crossmy name is Breanna
Im a student from Mrs.Waldeck`s class and i`ve been following along and i realy wanted to write you I have some questions for you so.did you have fun I bet you did I hope I can go to Antartica some day. I love your videos. I hope you go to Antartica again some time. Oh you know Hannah my birthday and her birthday are on the same day the 25 of this month cool alright MARRY CHRISTMAS!
your #1 fan Breanna


Dear Mrs. CrossI'm a student from Mrs. Waldeck's class I'm sorry I STILL didn't email you since you've been on your expedition in Antarctica. I have a few questions for you. Do you think you'll go back to Antarctica ever again? where are you right now? Beleive it or not I'm not emailing you from home. I'm emailing you from school. I just saw the pictures of you. You REALLY didn't want to go! Well if you ever go there again for a vacation you should bring your family. Well gtg

Michele Cross

Hey Katherine!Hope you're enjoying the videos. They've been fun to make, and I've loved being able to put it all together on the Macbook. Makes life so much easier!!!
I hope to meet all of you sometime in the near future! Keep following the blog as i still have much to post!
Have a great weekend!!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 06:18:15 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Michelle Cross

Michele Cross

Hey Ben!! No lung butter on this trip, but I did see more seals with snot in and around their nose! And, I sure hope I get the chance to go to Antarctica again. I'd go without even hesitating.Yes, I've been using two laptops on this trip--a Macbook loaned to me by Apple and a PC which belongs to PolarTREC. Mr. Bone who works for Apple was key in getting me a Mac to use in the field and when I return. iMovie and Garage Band, standard software on the mac, will allow me to do many different things with my video footage and pictures. I'd never used a Mac before, but it it so much easier and quicker for me to do what I want with the abpve programs than with other PC programs. I think it's incredible that you make short films and videos---VERY cool!!! My suggestion is to save your money!! Mac's tend to be a bit more expensive, but as I've found, they are well worth it. I hope to purchase one for myself within the next several months. I'm saving, too!!
Till next time....have a great weekend!!!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 06:16:26 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Michelle Cross

Michele Cross

Hi Mandy, It's around 6:15 am Sunday morning in Christchurch, NZ. I'm up to finish packing, get breakfast, check out and do a bit more shopping before I leave for the airport this afternoon. This winter storm could make for a longer trip than I am expecting, but let's hope not! I'm still hoping to be home late Monday morning your time.
I do hope to be able to go to "The Ice" again someday. Who knows what can happen?? But, I'd go in a heart beat if I had the chance!!
Have a great rest of the weekend!!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 06:21:46 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Michelle Cross

Michele Cross

Hi Breanna, Glad you've enjoyed following! It's been fun for me as well! I can't imagine much topping the experience I've had, but perhaps if I'm able to go back some day, that will be better than the first!! And, maybe someday I'll be following your Antarctic adventures!! Cool bit about the birthdays!!
Merry Christmas!!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 06:21:39 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Michelle Cross

Michele Cross

Hi Abby, I did play sports when I was in school--soccer, volleyball, basketball and boy's tennis!! How about you?? Do you play??
In terms of animals, I saw Weddell seals, Emperor penguins and Adelie penguins. skuas, a snow petrel and a Wilsons petrel. The snow petrel was the most beautiful bird I've ever seen!! You should Google both petrels. (And, I believe their are 17 species of penguins in Antarctica alone!!)
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 06:20:19 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Michelle Cross

Mrs. Waldeck's class

Dear Mrs. Cross,Welcome Home! We are glad that your flights made it on time and didn't get stuck in the snow. Did you enjoy your flights? Did you fall asleep on any flights? Were you teary-eyed when you left? Was Koru with you? We did look it up and think we know what it means. It's a Mauri name given to a "newborn, unfurling fern and symbolizes new life, growth, strength and peace." It is also on the Air New Zealand planes.
We are having our Christmas party this afternoon. Right now there is a lot of food sitting on the table waiting to be eaten! Did you go back to your school yet? We have a tree in our room with a lot of decorations on it. Hope that you have a Merry Christmas.
Your #1 Fans,
Mrs. Waldeck's class

Michele Cross

Hey everyone!
Yup...home after almost 48 hours of travel..YUCK!! And no, I didn't sleep much at all, so it's been a long haul! I enjoyed flying internationally because they feed you...really well....and for free!! I also got to watch 3 movies which is a treat for me because I never go to the movies. Likewise, I enjoyed having a little time in Hawaii becuase I was able to hang out in their graden area and grab some sun...and a very short nap! (And yes...I teared up several times during all legs of flight, especially the one from Antarctica to NZ.)
Koru was with me the whole time, bungeed to the outside of my pack. Be looking for pictures of him travelling home. Do you understand why I named him "Koru"??
I hope you had a great Christmas party and didn't eat too much!! I won't be back to school till after vacation but will go in for our traditional staff breakfast tomorrow morning and then spend some time seeing my students. Being back has been very overwhelming in every way. I'll be journaling about it, so hopefully, you'll gain some understanding as to why. I think I miss the simpleness of life down there. But, that's a story for another day.
Have a VERY Merry Christmas, enjoy vacation and keep following as there is much to come!! Can't wait to meet you guys!!! (And, I am still working through some of your individual questions, so be patient! They WILL be answered--promise!!)
Mrs. Cross

Abby Eberle

Hi Mrs.crossI like to play softball and cheer.
how was your chirstmas?
Your friend, Abby

Michele Cross

Hi Abby!! Softball and cheering, huh?? No soccer???? The Sauquoit girls had an incredible season!
Christmas was quiet. I was invited out to a couple of places but couldn't make it due to sleet and freezing rain, but my neighbor Sharon had me over for dinner--YUM!!!! How about you??? Are you enjoying vacation??? I was just up in your neck of the woods today to pick up Tori and was disappointed that there was no snow--bummer!
Enjoy the rest of your break!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 09:02:24 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Michelle Cross

Ben Vanderpool

Hi Mrs. Cross Did you have a good trip back? Are you back to teaching now? Do a lot of people still write to you? Did u ever put SCINI'S happpy dance up yet? Is Stacey Kim still in Antartica?What time did uyou sighn up to do the contest? I'm Typing from the computer lab in our school. Did you have a nice christmas?
Your #1 Fan Ben Vanderpool


Hi Mrs. Cross, I haven't talked to you in a while. Are you happy to be home? Well... I actually don't have any more questions. Bye.
Sincerly, Mandy


hey!!!!!!! I had a alsome christmas and being out of school alsome sooooo how was your christmas did you have a alsome christmas :D hope you did:D :D Breanna!!!!!!!!!!

giovanni evans

hey ms. cross .you haven't been writing back but on how many emails you get you're busy huh?
what did you get for christmas? my mom put candy coal in my stocking and real coal from the wood stove.
are you gonna go to antarctica if you get a chance again.
your friend,


Hey Mrs. +Cross+I know that the trip has been done for a whilw. I enjoy writing to you though.
I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas. What did you do? And what did yoo do for New Years Eve?
My vacation was fantastic!
I am at the school in the computer lab! Ü
I got your podcast on my iPod. I am guessing they're isn't going to be anything on there...Tell me what it is for!
Blah Blah Blah!
Please Write Back %-)
A Huge Fan,
▒♦~!Ben ¢♂nigÜ↓i@ro!~♦▒


Dear Mrs.CrossI hope u enjoded your christmas.Also what was it like to come back to U.S.A in time?And were your pets very happy to see u?Was there alot of snow were u live?Did any people come to your house 4 christmas day and eve?Did u see the ball drop i didn"t i missed it by like 5 min. I was up stairs teasing more older cousin with my other cousin he got very mad!
Your friend
Dylan :^)

Garrett Evans

Dear Mrs. Cross
How was your christmas? I just got back from a long vcation.
Did you go back to school (teaching)?
Your fan
G@rrett Ev@n$


Hey Mrs. Cross,I make my own videos and put them on a website called YouTube. I spend a lot of time on the internet.
Please Write Back

Michele Cross

Hi Garrett! Christmas was quiet as we had sleet and freezing rain about 45 minutes before I was supposed to head out to dinner at a friend's house. Oh well...hope your Christmas was great!
And, yes...I was back teaching today. Feels weird to be working inside...LOL!!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 06:08:04 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Michelle Cross

Michele Cross

Hey Dylan! It was sort of stange to come back...seeing the stars and moon again, smelling all the smells, but it is time to get back to reality, huh? I finally have both of my cats back, and I think they're happy to be back home. They seem to have settled back in nicely. Sadly, we have little to no snow down here, so I have been unable to snow shoe and cross country ski. Although, I did brave the cold (yeah right!) yesterday and did a little hiking in the woods:-) As for New Year's Eve, I can't remember the last time I saw the ball drop. I'm usually asleep long before that. Wait till you get to be my'll understand!! LOL! Cheers!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 06:04:40 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Michelle Cross

Michele Cross

Hey Ben...just a quiet Christmas and New Years on my end. I tend to be a pretty quiet person though. Did you think vacation flew by?? I sure did!! Not sure about the podcast, but my plans for the next few months in to create video podcasts from my video footage that can then be downloaded to your iPod. Stay tuned for more on that!! Best!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 06:03:07 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Michelle Cross

Michele Cross

Hey Gio!! Sorry...I've been trying to get my life going now that I'm back home...and back to school!! There's much to do...still! Yuck!! I received most of my Christmas presents before I left, but one big surprise was a big digital picture frame. I still have to load all my Antarctica pictrues on it! Tell your mom I think she's funny!! And yes! If I EVER get the chance to go to Antarctica again, I'm packed and going!! Cheers!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 06:01:06 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Michelle Cross

Michele Cross

Hi Breanna! Sounds like you have a terrific Christmas and vacation!! How is it being back at school? Was it hard getting up this morning?? My Christmas was quiet as was New Year's. Now it's back to reality!! Best!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 06:00:48 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Michelle Cross

Michele Cross

Hi Mandy! I have mixed feelings about being home. While i missed my family, friends and students...and my cats:-) I miss being outside and experiencing the beauty of Antarctica. It is a magnificent place!! So, it makes me sad to think that I may not get to see "her" again. But, I'm VERY thankful that I had the opportunity to go!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 06:00:02 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Michelle Cross

Michele Cross

Hey Ben! Boy! You sure have a LOT of questions!! My trip back home was LOOONNNGGGGGGGGGGG...about 48 hours worth. That was terrible! And, was my first day back. It kind of felt like the first day of school all over again! I'm still going through tons of video footage but hope to have SCINI's Happy Dance up in the next few weeks. In terms of the team...David is back home as is Stacy. Francois and Isabelle are traveling throughout New Zealand, and Bob has an upcoming trip to Israel. And yes...i still get questions every now and then, but you guys ask the MOST!! LOL!
Christmas was about yours??
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 05:59:28 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Michelle Cross