Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/17/2009 - 03:39
 Dear Ms. Cross,
                            I am one of the students from Mrs.Waldeck's class.  My name is Hannah.  Does all of the Ice look cool??  Did you see any penguins up close?  Hope you are having fun!!

   From Mrs.Waldeck's class

Michele Cross

Hey Mark...I understand that it seems a bit silly, but this is run by a big government agency, and the government can have strict rules about security. It's kind of like at school where have sites blocked, etc. See?? Even we adults have to play by rules, too...and sometimes more than you guys!! Hope you had a  great weekend!! Mrs. Cross


To Mrs. Cross
This is Dylan a student from Mrs.Waldecks class. I was wonding like where would Sea Lions would live down there? Also Gavin,Ben V and Ben C said hi.And how was McMurd built down there because didn't u say that it was all ice?Well choir members are coming back soon brb
cya from dylan bye :^)


Hi Mrs. Cross, Did you see me type in my question? My question at the live event was do you ever get scared while you are waking onthe ice? Someone's answer was I don't because I eat bluber bars or something like that. Do you know what bluber bars are? I loved the phone call and the live event!!
I have a few million questions for you!! Do you like to read? My cat Dusty, the fast one we caught cause he kept coming over to my grage and we had Shadow already so we fed it cat food and one night the cat was in the grage cause we caught in there that day and my dad snuck out with a blanket and put it over him and brought him inside and he was shaking so much!!!!
Your#1 Fan,

Michele Cross

Hi Dylan,
 Check out the following link to see the types of seals down here.
The Weddell Seals are the ones we've commonly seen. Sure glad there are no Leopard Seals around here!! They're a touch frightening!! Pretty vicious!!
McMurdo is built on Ross Island and is surrounded by ice. It's actually pretty dirty and dusty and muddy here right now, and the sea ice has melted quite a bit in the last week alone. I'll be posting pictures of Mactown at some point in the future--promise!!
Thanks for following!!
Mrs. Cross

Michele Cross

Hey Hannah! Trying to get caught up on questions before I leave here...Blubber Bars...well, they are a high calorie, high fat energy bar made in NZ that come in handy when you need some quick calories to stay warm. They're pretty good, too!Yes, I love to read; although, I haven't had much time since I've been here. I'll be doing alot of reading on all the many planes I'll be traveling on!! Do you like to read??
Great story about your cats!! I'm sure he's happy that he has a forever home!! I can't wait to get my two cats home! Now that my schedule has slowed down a bit I realize that I've really missed them!!
Have a great week, Hannah! Be looking for more posts!!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 16:12:46 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross


I thruoght you were going to leave on the 18th... Can we make a plan...You come to are class after CHRISMAS break..ok please reply
your #1 fan
Mark and Tj


Hello ms.Cross My name is Tj from Mrs.Waldeck's class I have never wrote to you .What was the highest wind you ever had..When are you going to put the happy dance from SCINI.
I think you might know my mom Mrs Philpotts
sorry i don't have much questions
your fan Tj


Hey mrs. cross, I'm a sudent at Mrs. Waldeck's class, do you have eny dogs I know you have two cats from Hannah's email's. Did I tell you my name, no of course i did'nt, my name is Bianca ( In Itlain it means clear). When do you think you will be coming to our class room? Today we have are Winter concert for choir I can't wait. What are your cats name? I can't wait to meet you in person it's goung to be so fun

Christopher Mazza

Dear Mrs.CrossI'm a student from Mrs.Waldeck's class.
I had some ques. on page 4
Till next time.
Your Friend

Mike peek

Hey Mrs.CrossThis is not like a real party with just kids its with grown ups too. And no Mrs. Waldeck does not give a lot of homework on the weekends yes. I'm going to anwser your question now, yes if I could go to
Antarctica I would because Antarctica seems like a cool place. I got questoins for you. Did you have a fun time down there? Are you glad that your going home so you can be nice and warm? And are you glad that your gonna see your cats? Please write back
your friend,


Hi Mrs.Cross I LOVE TO READ!!!!! I read every single day in school and out!! I am reaing a really thick book right now, and after that book I am going to start to read the Twilight series. Do you read the Twilight series? My parents say that it is over my head but about every girl in my class exept for three or four don't read them!! Do you have an email address? I have an email address and I am only about ten cause my birthday is the 21st of December right near Christmas. When is your birthday?
Tell the team that I said " Have a good trip back!!' Today I have a Winter Concert I asked the Mrs. Waldeck if you would be back in time to come to our concert she said' It was a good idea but you would not be here that day.
YOUR# 1 Fan,

Michele Cross

Hey Hannah! Good for you!! Reading--and reading lots--is very important. We've found that students who read outside of what is required actually do better at exams, etc. than those who don't read above and beyond. And read a variety of things as well. That's important. You'll have a much bigger frame of reference, larger vocabulary, etc.I have not read the Twilight series but many back at my school do. The 8 months before coming here found me reading all sorts of book on Antarctica, the explorers and on and on.
So you're a pre-Christmas birthday, huh?? I'm a Feb. b-day---usually during mid winter break.
Hope your concert went well. I'm in Christchurch, NZ right now but will start my flight back on Sunday...Saturday for you. I hope to be back in time to see my students before Christmas vacation!
Cheers!! And keep reading!!!
 Mrs. Cross 

Michele Cross

Hey Mark!! Just checking on you about the "party" thing... I'm sure you guys had fun--even with the parents around! LOL!While the last 6 weeks were the most physically demanding...and mentally demanding as well....I had a grand time! The experience was worth any bangs, bruises, strains, etc. Although, I swear that some of these bruises will never be gone! Your second question is a nit more complicated. I would give up the warmth and comfort of my home if I could go back right now, but i do have adult responsibilities--job, a home, bills to pay, family and friends. And, my cats! I am very glad that I;m going to see my cats and get to pet them and here them purr. I didn't realize it until someone said something, but seeing no animals (pets) and being able to touch them started to get me thinking at the end which them made me REALLY miss them!
Do you have any pets?? How'd you like to pilot SCINI someday???
 Till next time! Gotta go grab breakfast!!
Mrs. Cross 


Hi Mrs. Cross, I hope to finish Dragon Rider soon so I can convince my parents to let me read the Twilight series. I saw the movie at my friend's house so I do not get why I can not read the books!!
I get really good grades on my spelling tests cause I read and I see words all the time!!
I just got out of the shower and now I am going to bed. So good night when ever you got to bed!!
YOUR# 1 Fan,

Michele Cross

Hi Hannah!You've discovered that reading can certainly help you do better in school! Good for you!! And, be sure to read many different types of books--fiction, non-fiction, etc. You should check out books about Antarctica. VERY interesting!!
I've been at the beach and then spent the afternoon hiking around a peninsula near Sumner, NZ, so I REALLY need a shower!!! Probably won't last long tonight. I'm going to check out another beach and hiking area tomorrow. Then i begin my long journey back home on Sunday (here).
Have a great weekend!!
Mrs. Cross 

Michele Cross

Hey Bianca! Thanks for "clearing" up what your name means...get it?? Sorry...couldn't resist. I'm still taking a little vacation in Christchurch, so I'm trying to work my way through all the questions.My cats are name Tori and Rafael, and they are both rescues. I don't have a dog but plan on getting one when I retire. In the meantime, I have friends who let me borrow their black lab (Abbey) when I need a dog fix! I refer to her as my 4 legged niece...LOL!
When I get back to the states, Mrs. Waldeck and I will compare schedules, and we will find a time. Who knows? We may leave it as a surprise just like the phone call!! Can't wait to meet you as well!!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 06:17:20 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross


Hi Mrs. Cross, How many days does it take to get back? Do you have one of those little laptops? My cousin's dad has one of those the keyboard is so small it is very hard to type on.
Do you get scared when you are on a plane, and do you get car sick? Sorry got to go to school yipe!! LOL!!! I wrote my name forwards and backwards at the bottom.
YOUR # 1 Fan,
Hannah Costantine
hannaH Costantine

Michele Cross

Hey Hannah! As you've seen..I took me almost 2 days to get back, but that didn't include the 5 hour flight from Antarctica to Christchurch, NZ aboard the C-17. (I was wondering about those little laptops...they're so light and make it easier to travel. The two laptops I've travelled with add some weight...the Dell more than the Macbook by far!)
I sometimes get a little uneasy on a plane, especially when take offs and landings are rough. (The C-17 landing was one of the smoothest I've ever experienced.) Otherwise, I'm pretty cool about it. And thankfully, I don't get carsick or plane sick. But then again, I like going on really fast, wild rides! You should've seen me bombing on the snowmobile down there!!
Well Hannah, it's almost time to go get Rafael! I was way too tired yesterday and didn't think it wise that I drive. I wonder if he'll be happy to see me...or even remember me??
Have a great couple of days before vacation! Merry Christmas!!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 03:55:04 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross


Hi Ms.Cross,It's about 10:40 at night and I'm tired. It's Christmas Eve and it's 1 hour and 15 minutes till Christmas.
I'm at my mom girlfrind's house. A couple of hours ago, I was playing "dog war" Brownie tha's me vs Biggie
Also a weiner dog was on my team, Tory. Then a couple of more dogs. All who here is just tons of adalts 4 dogs and me. Gotta go!


Hi Mrs. Cross, Did you get to see your students before Christmas vacation? Merry Christmas!! What day for me are you going to get back?
For Christmas I got a Trio it is like a mp3 player exept it is touch screen. From my aunt for Christmas I got a beach book cover it has a ribbon for the book mark. It is so COOL!!!!!!!!
YOUR#1 Fan,

Michele Cross

Hi Hannah!! I got back last Monday afternoon after very long travels...arrgghhhh! So, Wednesday morning I surprised my students, and boy! Were they was most everyone!
Sounds like you had a great Christmas! I'll have to check out the Trio! I'm in the market for a new cell phone myself! What are you reading these days???
Enjoy the rest of yur vacation!! (I'm STILL unpacking--yuck!!)
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Sat, 26 Dec 2009 17:35:34 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross

Michele Cross

Hi Katherine! Did you manage to stay awake until Christmas morning at midnight?? I went to an 11 pm service, so I actually WAS awake to see Christmas morning....first time in a LONG time. But, it made for a very short night. Great service though!!
Hope you had a great Christmas and are enjoying vacation!!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Thu, 24 Dec 2009 18:46:24 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross


Hi Ms. Cross,No, I didn't stay awake midnight to morning. Everyone else is writing to you.....well, not everyone.
Did you watch the ball drop on New Year's Eve?
I'm glad we can still write to you even though you finshed your expadition
Gotta go!
Cheers back to you!,


Hi Mrs. Cross, Umm... the books I am reading now are Dragon Rider, and Marley and Me! Dragon Rider is a thick book, but Marley and Me is a thin book! What book or books are you reading now? Are the books that you read thick or thin?
What was your favorite sport when you were in elementary school? My favorite sport is soccer on my book cover it has soccer balls on it! Did I tell you that? Now I am playing indoor soccer it is really fast. I am writing you from my school computer lab!
YOUR#1 Fan,
Hannah Costantine


Hello Mrs. Cross Today we just got back from vacation, it was so FUN. What did you do for chirstmas. Were you still on the plane. Was your family happy to see you.
What kind of animals do you like? I have a dog he is almost bigger than a minicher poney and he's turning two. My dog a italian mastif, thoses dogs are huge and strong. And he's a big baby


Dear ms cross,Hope you had a grate christmas and happy new year.
when you were a kid what job did you want to have?i know when i grow up I want to be a snake breader.
I LOVE SNAKES !!!!!!do you like snakes?
well all for now your friend,

Michele Cross

TJ...I LOVE snakes. Saw my first rattler this summer...and a 5 foot black rat snake...very impressive!! What do your folks think about you wanting to be a snake breeder?? When I was a little kid--like in kindergarten through 5th grade---I wanted to be a scientist. I think I may do that after I retire! Cheers!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 06:04:30 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross

Michele Cross

Hi Bianca! You have a GINORMOUS dog!!! WOW!!! I bet he takes up a lot of space if he sleeps on the bed with you! I have two cats, and they're both MUCH smaller than your dog! They're happy to finally be home. I had a pretty quiet Christmas here as the weather was pretty lousy with sleet and freezing rain. But, my neighbor had me over for dinner later that day. Good food and good company!! And yes, my mom was happy to see me!!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 06:03:16 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross

Michele Cross

Hi Katherine! I didn't stay awake either...LOL! I can't remember the last time I did! Was it hard getting up and going to school this morning?? Just think, in three weeks the year will be half way over! Wow!! Have a terrific week!!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 05:56:31 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross

Michele Cross

Hey Hannah!! How ARE you?!?!? I read Marley and Me last year...excellent book but I bawled! I'm currently reading two books: Into The Wild and Thirteen Reasons Why. It gets more challenging to make time at the end of my night, but I always try to make some time to read a little. It sounds like you do as well. (The books I read usually range in size from medium thickness to thick.) Hmmm...favorite sport in elementary school was hockey in the parking lot!!! I LOVED it!!! Still have a mean wrist shot...LOL! I played indoor soccer in college and had a blast!! It will do wonders for your ball handling skills. Keep it up!!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 05:56:46 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross


Hi Mrs. Cross, I am great! How are you doing? Do you know how to ski? I do! A while ago I went skiing at Gore Mt. it was a blast!! I went in a gondala it was my first time in a gondala and first time going there!!
I think I am going to stick to soccer for a very long time so I could get a college scholarship!! What college did you go to!
My class has not been writing you alot I will ask my teacher to go on the site!
YOUR # 1 Fan,