Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 04/27/2011 - 12:22

Why do glaciers move? 4/25

Do all glaciers move at the same speed? 4/27

-Bryan and Bryant p.8


what is your favorite part of the trip so far?Alex C. and Elliott


Are there native people that live in the glacier?Claire and Kim and Jon and Tyler


How are glaciers formed?
Does altitude/latitude affect glacier formation?
- Max/Hayden


How big is the biggest glacier?
Connor, Riley, Colin


1.) what is the data that you are calculating about the glacier? and have you found the data you were looking for?2.) Did you have a hypothesis about the data you were searching for? and was your hypothesis wrong or correct?
Margan and Trent


Now that your trip is coming to an end, what is one of the most interesting, important, or impactful things you learned while doing your glacial research?


Have you seen a lemming?Claire and Jon and Tyler and Kim

Michael Lampert

the most amazing thing is that I never knew how quickly so called solid ice flowed, and that researchers would go to incredible lengths to measure glacier movements.

Michael Lampert

the data will arrive as soon as the ice covers the sensors, this should be right about now. I will stay in contact with the researchers and see what happens.

Michael Lampert

all glaciers form from the snow that falls on it. the snow turns to ice and this gets compacted over the years.. latitude does affect glaciers, you do not have them in Florida. and Altitude affects glaciers, you do have them in Africa.

Michael Lampert

favorite part was to touch the bottom of a glacier and to witness all the work that goes into making that possible.

Michael Lampert

i made a rough calculation in another post of at least 2 million you have to figure that in gallons.

Michael Lampert

you can use a sparkfun accelerometer and you use a seismic device that has a capacitor built into it.. as the earth shifts one plate gets closer to another and the capacitance changes.