Article about PolarTREC teacher Nell Herrmann's expedition to Antarctica written by her former student. The article was published in The Lion's Digest, her school's newspaper in State College, Pennsylvania.
Tara Hastings, WDTN Meteorologist visited Graham High School to talk with PolarTREC teacher Chantelle Rose about her Winter Sampling expedition. A video interview will remain as an external link to WDTN webpage.
Up next, Dressing for Success in the Polar Regions. It’s February 5th, 2012 and this is Lisa Seff, PolarTREC educator, speaking with you from the Westmark Hotel in Fairbanks Alaska. If there is only one piece of advice for adventurers headed to the Arctic and Antarctic regions it would be: Layers, layers, layers.
Today PolarTREC teachers were very excited to
PolarTREC Teacher Melissa Barker is a feature story for her school in Colorado. She is heading into the field with Dr. Tamara Harms to study Arctic watershed systems.
"The seal will capture all sorts of data: the temperature, the salinity of the water, how deep the seals dive and the pressure of the water and return that information via satellite and through this tag."
Read about Alex Eilers expedition to Antarctica to tag Weddell seals. It's hoped that information collected through tagging of seals will lead to a
Article about PolarTREC teacher Alex Eilers’ visit to Bailey Station Elementary to discuss her upcoming expedition to study Weddell seals in the Ross Sea.