Dieuwertje Kast, a previous Grand Awards Judge for Intel ISEF, was named to the Forbes 30 Under 30 list in the science sector. Dieuwertje strongly believes in encouraging young people in STEM and providing opportunities for low-income and underrepresented students. As for advice for those interested in science, Dieuwertje said to be your authentic self and follow your passions. And
Presentation at the Western Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS) mini conference at the Buffalo Museum of Science on March 16, 2016. The focus of the presentation will be to highlight upcoming PolarTREC expeditions, an introduction to the programs educational opportunities, lesson plans and activities for teachers at all levels.
The Energetic Ray Global Observatory (ERGO) is a program that will provide students and teachers with a small detector that is capable of detecting the cosmic rays in a manner very similar to CosRAY and IceCube. The unit is small and will allow data to be exported automatically to Google Maps.
Research Connection highlighted Dieuwertje Kast as a STEM Educator and how she is including current research in her classrooms.
Quote for the Article:
"I love being the STEM translator for researchers," she told us in an interview. "I love seeing what current researchers are working on so that I can bring that into my k-12 classrooms as lessons and inspirations