Students complete a physical puzzle based on a scientific poster about Bowhead Whales. Students then research the content of the poster and present their findings.
To familiarize students with:
* the scientific method
* real polar scientific posters
* real polar scientific research
* real polar scientific terminology
* real polar scientific technology
* real polar
Today was another really nice day in this part of Antarctica. We had good visibility and almost no wind, great for flying. Our pilot was very gracious and showed us around to a couple of the sites. We went a little bit out of our way to go and see the edge of the sea ice. This is the part of the ice
This lesson was written for a Photography I course, to be taught in a lab with access to either a darkroom or computers/printers. The class has already spent ample time getting used to the basics of photography, learning to use their cameras as a creative tool, just as a painter might use a brush. This lesson could easily
Our team has left the field and returned to McMurdo to process soils and prepare for our next trip back to Lake Hoare. Looking at the calendar we are now under the two week mark. This realization makes me think that I want to take advantage of every possible opportunity this experience has to offer
In this introductory lesson, students read an article about Arctic Ocean ecosystems and then play a board game in which they take on the role of researchers.
The purpose of this introductory activity is to:
* Identify the main components of complex arctic ecosystem and describe predator/prey relationships between phytoplankton, ice algae, zooplankton, bowhead whales, polar
This lesson includes a variety of research activities and a lab that all help demonstrate the science behind convection currents.
Through the following activities and lab students will discover:
* that temperature and salinity affect the density of fluids (liquids and gases)
* how fluids with different densities interact with each other
Victory Not every day in Antarctica is a winning day. Our team had been shut out by cloudy and windy conditions that kept flights on the ground. We have had those same conditions keep us from collecting soils (frozen soils stay in place), some days the internet does not work at all, other times you
Students are designated as the water or ocean currents, zooplankton, and bowhead whales. The zooplankton are informed that they are at the mercy of the currents. The currents are given instructions as to where to go during different times of the year (map). The whale pod is told that they need to breathe (raise hands above head to indicate
Weather Set Back We had great weather for our first week in Antarctica. We should have known it would not all come so easy. Even though McMurdo is experiencing high temps and melting snow and ice, the story is different in the Dry Valleys. This time last year streams were flowing and soils thawed