The USC Young Scientists Program works in partnership with 5 USC community schools to engage more than 1400 elementary school students, 45 LAUSD teachers, and 5 principals through a broad repertoire of science curriculum. YSP TAs are placed at each school presenting hands-on science labs to fourth and fifth grade classrooms. YSP brings scientific laboratory experiences directly to students and their teachers with the goal of supplementing current science instruction, complimenting LAUSD and state grade level science learning standards, strengthening science literacy and promoting interest in scientific careers.
One of YSP’s primary objectives is to increase science activities for a larger number of our neighborhood children as a means to encourage them to consider careers in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathmatics (STEM) and to apply what they are learning in the classroom to the real world. Additional outcomes are that our USC undergraduate students learn how to become successful mentors, gain valuable teaching experience, and learn how to directly respond to the needs of the schools, communities and families.
STEAM Outreach to 4th and 5th Grades
Each YSP classroom will be creating a large flag that represents their class and what they know about Polar Science. Each classroom must have the YSP Program, YSP TA, classroom teacher, and the school along with a small drawing or text from every student relating to what they know about polar science.
Students will also create their own Arctic postcard on paper that will be collected and also taken up to the Arctic. Students will receive their cards back through their fourth or fifth grade teacher at the end of the summer. On the front of the post card is a picture of the research base and its location in the Northern most part of Alaska and a demonstration of where it is in the Arctic Circle.
On the postcard-Each student should write a question they have about the Arctic Journey to Toolik and Put a drawing of himself or herself as a polar scientist.
Foshay Learning Center
Fourth Grade
Ms. Mabry's and YSP TA's Claire Chatinover- 4th Grade students at Foshay Learning Center. Photos by YSP Claire Chatinover
Fifth Grade
This is the Foshay Learning Center Classroom Flag that will be taken up to Toolik. Photo by Ms. Tigolo
Ms. Tigolo and YSP TA's Claire Chatinover- 5th Grade students at Foshay Learning Center. Photos by YSP Claire Chatinover
Norwood Elementary
Fourth Grade
YSP TA's Evelyn Lee's 4th Grade students at Norwood Elementary school. Photos by YSP Evelyn Lee
One of YSP TA's Evelyn Lee's 4th Grade students at Norwood Elementary school with her polar question. Photos by YSP Evelyn Lee
Fifth Grade
Norwood Elementary- Post Card Questions for the journey. Photo by Michael Qian
32nd St. School
Fourth Grade
YSP TA's Alex Nguyen's 4th Grade students at 32nd St school. Photos by YSP Alex Nguyen
YSP TA's Alex Nguyen's 4th Grade students at 32nd St school. Photos by YSP Alex Nguyen
Fifth Grade
YSP TA's Anna Duan's 5th Grade students at 32nd St school with their teacher Mr. Carrillo decorating the banner. Photos by YSP Anna Duan
YSP TA's Anna Duan's 5th Grade students at 32nd St school with their teacher Ms. Kim. Photos by YSP Anna Duan
YSP TA's Anna Duan's 5th Grade students at 32nd St school with their teacher Ms. Wong. Photos by YSP Anna Duan
YSP TA's Anna Duan's 5th Grade students at 32nd St school with their teacher Ms. Kim decorating the banner. Photos by YSP Anna Duan
Weemes Elementary
Fourth Grade
YSP TA's Krupa Patel's 4th Grade students drawing their polar poster at Weemes Elementary. Photos by YSP Krupa Patel
YSP TA's Krupa Patel's 4th Grade students at Weemes Elementary. Photos by YSP Krupa Patel
Fifth Grade
Some of YSP TA's Geoff Kusaka's 5th Grade students at Weemes Elementary school with their polar poster. Photos by YSP Geoff Kusaka
YSP TA's Geoff Kusaka's 5th Grade students at Weemes Elementary school with their polar poster. Photos by YSP Geoff Kusaka
Vermont Elementary
Fourth Grade
YSP TA's Alison Kamikawa's 4th Grade students at Vermont Elementary school with their polar banner. Photos by YSP Alison Kamikawa
YSP TA's Alison Kamikawa's 4th Grade students at Vermont Elementary school with their polar post card. Photos by YSP Alison Kamikawa
Fifth Grade
YSP TA's Dawson Ray's 5th Grade students at Vermont Elementary school with their polar banner. Photos by YSP Dawson Ray
YSP TA's Dawson Ray's 5th Grade students at Vermont Elementary school with their polar postcards. Photos by YSP Dawson Ray
YSP TA's Dawson Ray's 5th Grade students at Vermont Elementary school with their polar banner. Photos by YSP Dawson Ray