I'm PQ'ed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After sending and/or faxing 48 pages of medical reports, test results, dental x-rays, surgical reports and everything you've always wanted to know about…
An interview of sorts the last day of my visit...no verbal words exchanged, only written...and LOTS of giggling and smiles
**Me: **Kaleigh-How do you feel about your Aunt Shell going to…
Marie has been our Teaching Assistant for the last 4+ years. The kids love her as much as I do, and it's very clear why. She is warm, personable, caring, encouraging, never speaks ill of anyone,…
An interesting observation about my second time in the freezer. I never felt
cold but instead went from normal to numb....if that makes sense. I'd never
experienced that except when polar bear…
I headed out with the Smith family very early, and we were at Jerome's U-Pick in Naples by 7:35 am...on a Saturday morning. I hadn't been strawberry picking in years, but since I discovered the…
When I was in the simulator the other day...OK, OK...it was a walk in freezer that our cafeteria ladies so graciously let me hang out in...anyhow, they posed a question that I promised to provide an…
Booyah!!!! I just discovered that I have an Antarctic Simulator at my disposal! Very rarely do I get to wear my North Face down jacket as we just don't get cold enough here...not usually anyway. And…