(Ole is Ole Humlum, a scientist from University of Oslo and UNIS who provided us with a lecture on the climate of Svalbard and joined us part of our stay in Kapp Linne while gathering data for a…
Physically not us, but something is needed to retrieve our sediment cores! Read below for the process of taking a lake sediment core.Today Kristen, Al, Megan, and Antoine were up at the glacier…
Since we've been at Isfjord Radio there have been other scientists here too. Hanne Christiansen and Ole Humlum from UNIS were here working on their permafrost studies (Thermal State of Permafrost in…
We awoke to blue skies and were psyched at the great possibility of witnessing the solar eclipse while here in Kapp Linne. It was decided that the best view of the eclipse would be from the north…
This is not an Abbott and Costello skit, but we do need to be sure our bases our covered when we head into the field. After dinner we start our discussion of what we are doing the next day, and the…
We are in the pathway of a total (93%) solar eclipse this Friday at approximately 11AM! With this special event coming up, I thought it would be good time for an entry on Earth-Sun-Moon system as…
After a long day in the field, all anyone wants is a warm shower and a delicious meal before getting a good night's sleep in preparation for the next day in the field. Staying here at Isfjord Radio…
....not quite a catcher's mitt, but you'll get what I mean!There are a number of instruments placed around the Linne Valley continuously gathering data. For instance, the cameras placed above Lake…
How about a peek into a day in the life of Svalbard REU? At this point of the expedition, we've gotten into a "routine" that's anything but routine given the nature of field research. Here we go...…
In past journal entries I introduced the physical geography and some of the geologic past for this area. Today I want to introduce you to the recent geology of our study area and the detailed reason…
This entry introduces the other half of the young scientists of the Svalbard REU team along with their work here in Svalbard.
Maya Wei-Haas: A junior at Smith College in Massachusetts, Maya is…
Today we begin a two part introduction to the Svalbard REU students and their work. I know you will find them all very fascinating and that they are extremely bright young scientists.
Anthony Novak…