Driving to Madison, Wisconsin
After packing and having checked out of my dorm room, I said goodbye to the teachers and students, who were engaged in building solar-powered sculptures for their…
Last May during his visit to my school, Dr. Madsen invited me to come to River Falls, Wisconsin, to visit the Upward Bound summer program that Ice Cube hosted at the University of Wisconsin. On…
On Wednesday, May 29, 2013 we had the presence of Dr. Jim Madsen visiting Bilingual Class 621 at MS319 Maria Teresa Mirabal Middle School, as part of our “Adopt a Researcher” initiative. My students…
One of the most exciting parts of our PolarTREC orientation week were the field trips out in the cold. It gave us opportunities to suit up for arctic fieldwork, the chance to experience multi sensory…
On Saturday, March 23, 2013 I flew Alaska Air from New York to Seattle, Washington, and then to Fairbanks, Alaska for a week o intensive training in preparation for my expedition to Antarctica, South…
The first collaboration I had with my researcher, Dr. Jim Madsen was signing up my class 621 made up of bilingual 6th grade students, mostly from Dominican Republic, Mexicp and Ecuador, to…
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Hello! Welcome to my new PolarTREC online journal where you can follow my new adventures as ** 2013-2014 PolarTREC teacher in…