Latitude: 68.38 S Longitude: 96.42 W Temperature: -2.3C Wind Chill: -16.7 C There are certain routines onboard the Oden that follow set schedules or rules. Meal times and coffee are a good example;…
Latitude: 68? S Longitude: 91.37W Temperature: **-2.5 degrees C **Wind Chill: -23.3 degrees C The day started out with possibly the best night's sleep so far for everyone. Being in the ice has…
**Location: ** Latitude - 67.39 S Longitude - 82.05 W Temperature: -4 degrees C Wind chill: -16 degrees C After several long days of ocean, we are finally into the ice! What an incredible feeling…
Monday Latitude - 63.23 S Longitude - 61.37 W Temperature: 4 degrees C **Tuesday ** Latitude - 64.45 S Longitude - 9.01W Temperature: -1.8 degrees C Wind chill: -21.5 degrees C Well, I guess…
Latitude: 59 S Longitude: 63.5 W Temperature: 9 degrees C We have passed the Antarctic Convergence in our transit across the Drake Passage with a combination of gentle rolls and rocky waves! This…
We have passed Isla de los Estados and will be off the Continental Shelf soon- that translates into deeper water! The ship now has a steady, stronger roll. It was reported that it was very bumpy…
Location: Straits of Magellan Latitude: 53 Longitude: 70 Weather: Partly cloudy We pulled out of port at dawn this morning at 5:55! I was awakened by an unusual humming and vibration-I knew we…
Location: Portside, Punta Arenas, Chile Latitude: 53 10.22 S Longitude: 70 54.40 W Weather: Varies from sunny to stormy! Wind: Calm to 60 knots + Yes! Its move-in day. I reported to the boat this…
…when I left Houston, and when I arrived in Punta Arenas! I’ve decided this was a good thing- perhaps now the skies will be favorable for the rest of our journey!! **Storms roll over the city! **…
Well, the post-its have dwindled from over a hundred to the last full three! I have bags packed, papers almost in order, and household on the verge of organization. These last few weeks have been…
The countdown has begun at school, and with it a flurry of activities all going on at once (doesn’t it always happen that way??) Awhile back we had an in-school Countdown Challenge. The idea was to…
We just finished a two day meeting onboard the Oden Icebreaker, docked in Landskrona, in the very southwest part of Sweden! The meeting, hosted by the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, brought…