Melissa Lau holding a female longspur
The name of my science game is phenology and vegetation change in the warming arctic. We use some pretty cool technology to remote sense the overall health of plants in the tundra. This is the MISP…
I came into this experience not really knowing what to expect. All the pictures I had seen of Utqiagvik (Barrow) have been cloudy, gloomy, and grimy. Although the clouds and mud are everywhere,…
Flat Cat #2
How Was Your Drive To Work Today? With all the snow on the ground, getting equipment to the site has been a very new experience for me. We took a dog sled out to carry a load and snow machined out.…
Wildcat In the Tundra
This is Ukpik Nest 2 (or "The Nest") where I am staying this week. From the outside, it looks a bit like storage containers on stilts. On the inside, it's quite nice. Here's a quick tour. I have a…
Jeremy Pic
My First Day In The Field We were able to go out to the field to set up the tracks for the MISP (Mobile Instrumented Sensor Platform). This included digging out the cables to the towers and pounding…
Oklahoma Sunrise
Good Morning From Utqiagvik! I woke up this morning on the northern most point of the United States. How cool is that! Of course, since my body clock is still 3 hours ahead of everyone else, I…
Packed Bags
"Packing is my pet hate." -Seal (musician) Today's journal entry was inspired by questions from Piedmont students Marley Mooney, Sarah Stetz, Kendal Morris, and Bradley Karibian. They all wanted to…
Tundra Samples
The Bilbo Baggins Effect Last week I had the opportunity to fly to Miami. I was looking forward to meeting Dr. Steve Oberbauer and Dr. Jeremy May, whom I will be working with this summer. I was…
Big Snow
Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." -Dorothy Gale There is more snow here than I have seen or will ever see in my lifetime in Oklahoma! Or in Oklahoma, for that matter. I grew…
"Where the river is windin', big nuggets they're findin', north to Alaska go north the rush is on, north to Alaska go north the rush is on" Being Selected For PolarTREC The 1960 song by Johnny…