Amy Osborne in front of All Blacks sign
"It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday" -Boyz II Men Today, ideally, is my final day full day in Christchurch. It's 11pm on Saturday, October 19th. The All Blacks are getting ready to play in the…
Amy Osborne and California poppy on the Banks Peninsula, New Zealand
"I feel the earth move under my feet"-Carole King Yesterday, I woke up to another day in Christchurch and felt I've got to move. The sun was shining, the air was warm, and I was struggling to sit…
Amy Osborne swinging
"With your feet on the air and your head on the ground" -The Pixies I felt the air rushing through my hair as I flew through the air. As the sunset turned the clouds into pink cotton candy over the…
Amy Osborne in front of Canterbury Museum
"This land is your land, this land is my land" -Woody Guthrie I looked closely at the giant bird. It's feathers were brown and covered it's large oval body. It's feet were huge and it's neck was…
Amy Osborne and Denise Hardoy outside of C-17 airplane
"Should I Stay or Should I Go?" -The Clash In the midst of writing my journal for today, as we circled above McMurdo Station, Antarctica, an announcement was made that we were heading back to…
Amy Osborne with a flu shot sticker
"It's the final countdown" -Europe Los Angeles...the stars, the lights, the traffic! I knew there was a reason I moved away from this place 19 years ago. I sat in the front seat of my friend, Mike's…
Image of Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Image curtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech
"I get by with a little help from my friends" -The Beatles, 1967 In the Southern Ocean, the wind-driven Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) that swirls west to east around Antarctica is the only…
Play-doh Sea slug created by 3rd grader
"Reach out and touch, somebody's hand. Make this world a better place, if you can." -Aretha Franklin The NatureBridge educators learn about Amy Osborne's upcoming expedition to Antarctica "…
Amy announces her Antarctica depature date October 14th
If you are an adventurer dive in, If you are a teacher, a researcher, a nature lover, A curious person who loves to discover… If you’re a wonderer come listen to my pondering. We have some…
Aurora Borealis
"I was sitting, waiting, wishing" -Jack Johnson It was dark, cold, and my mind was filled with awe and wonder as I watched waves of yellowish green dance across the night sky. Sometimes the light…
Direction sign at the International Arcitc Research Center
"Stand...think about direction wonder why you haven't before" REM North or South? Outside or Inside? Climate or Weather? Hot or Cold? Videos or Photos? Tired or Awake? Yesterday was filled with…
Ross Sea Polynya
"You Must Learn...Let Me Demonstrate the Force of Knowledge" KRS One As the sun sets behind the evergreen trees outside my hotel room in Fairbanks, Alaska, my eyelids begin to droop as my head…