Location: Fairbanks, AK
Dates: 9-14 February 2014
The PolarTREC Orientation and ShareFair, held each spring in Fairbanks, Alaska, is an important precursor to joining researchers in the field, with hands-on training in journaling, outreach, communication and educational technologies, and field safety.

The PolarTREC Orientation and ShareFair, held each spring in Fairbanks, Alaska, is an important precursor to joining researchers in the field, with hands-on training in journaling, outreach, communication and educational technologies, and field safety. The orientation gives teachers ample time to practice communication protocols, converse with program alumni, and learn basic polar science content from participating researchers. Each year program alumni attend the training events (in-person and virtually) to share outreach strategies, lessons, and advice with the current cohort. Additionally, two to three researchers and three representatives from the program logistic providers (CH2M HILL Polar Services, Antarctic Logistics Contractor, and SRI International) participate in the Orientation.

PolarTREC Cohort 2014-20015PolarTREC Cohort 2014-20015

Topics and Content
Download Agenda (PDF - 300KB)
Key aspects of the orientation programming include:

  • Technical Skills Training
  • Online Communications Skills and Planning
  • Polar Science Exposure - science presentations, field trips, etc.
  • Education and Outreach Planning
  • Networking with Peers and Program Alumni
  • Logistical Expedition Preparation

Participating teachers have access to all orientation material and presentations through the PolarTREC Online Teacher Manual. Same content includes:

Download 2014 Orientation Feedback Report (PDF - 1.3MB)
An external evaluation of the Orientation and ShareFair was conducted by Goldstream Group, Inc. and was primarily formative in nature. It targeted knowing the extent to which the participants were satisfied with their initial PolarTREC experience, which can set the stage for their continued engagement in the program. Also, the evaluation reports on how much the participants learned about the topics covered during the Orientation and ShareFair to target future learning opportunities. Daily feedback and a summative evaluation are used each year by project staff to improve the effectiveness of the programming. Overall results conclude that:

  • All participants agreed that the orientation was well planned and comfortable.
  • Most of the teachers felt that they knew something about all the relevant topics at the end of the workshop.
  • Eighty-one percent of participants mentioned something about the connections with people being the most beneficial part of the orientation.


Field Preparation with CH2MHill Polar Field Services StaffField Preparation with CH2MHill Polar Field Services Staff Dr. Jule Brigham-Grette working with teachers during her presentation on the 'Science as a Process'.Dr. Jule Brigham-Grette working with teachers during her presentation on the 'Science as a Process'. Lauren Watel learning to use a satellite phone during training with SRI International staff.Lauren Watel learning to use a satellite phone during training with SRI International staff. Up close and personal at UAF with the subject of the Arctic Ground Squirrel Studies expedition.Up close and personal at UAF with the subject of the Arctic Ground Squirrel Studies expedition.

Related Members Sian Proctor
Dominique Richardson
Russell Hood
Andre Wille
Emily Dodson
Regina Brinker
Lauren Watel
Peggy McNeal
Tina Ciarametaro
Jillian Worssam
Lucy Coleman
Armando Caussade
Michelle Brown
Carol Scott
Susan Steiner
Steve Okkonen
Julie Brigham Grette
John Wood
Heidi Roop