After being introduced to an oceanic food web students will complete the experiment hypothesizing what could be found in and information gained from sea lion scat.
"Food Chain" by Kathleen Carroll. Follow the food chain among plants and animals in the ocean and in a fast food restaurant. How might this transfer take place in a forest? All this answered in the song.
Pilot program for students on the topics of the cryosphere, elementary (K-4), and the hydrosphere. This webpage also provides a link to view other ESSEA modules by topic.
Three lessons and resources using Objects and Stories to learn about the Bering Sea Eskimo People. Sponsored by the Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies.
Publications (Tools for Teachers), that are put out by the Arctic Studies Center. These are supplemental materials for Looking Both Ways: Heritage and Identity of the Alutiiq People.
These cards are about Ocean Life. The majority of the Earth is made up of water. This is a small sample of the plants and animals that make their home in our oceans. These include words like angel fish, eel, octopus, sea lion, and shrimp.
Hands-on education kits can be a fun and effective supplement to your every day curriculum. Many kits on a variety of subjects are available for loan from different locations across the State. Below is a link to access a list of all of the kits by subject. The location numbers listed to the right of each kit name corresponds to