Over 70 two-page synopses to learn about the substance and relevance of each of NPRB's completed projects. Description of research themes are also available on this page.
Stories from scientists participating in the NPRB Bering Sea Project field program.
Examples include stories of catching murres on remote cliffs (left) to study their diets, studying the bottom of the sea, building an integrated model to attempt to explain this ecosystem and predict the future, or of interviewing elders to learn about traditional knowledge.
This website presents the current Bering Sea Status, a Quick Data Summary, data, and reports on Bering Sea Climate and Ecosystems. It includes public information essays listed separately in this resource list, as well as links to photos, maps, and other Bering Sea Education websites.
Description and logs from a 2006 expedition to the Bering Sea to study physical and chemical properties of the ice and water, to sample phytoplankton and zooplankton and look at their relation to the food web, to look at fish abundance at the sea ice edge using hydroacoustic methods, and to observe the birds and mammals that need the spring