This Live from IPY! event was part of the International Polar Week in October 2009. The theme of the week was was 'What happens at the poles affects us all'. This live event was held with PolarTREC teacher Cristina Galvan and the University of Wyoming polar bear research team on 8 October 2009. They were working on the USCGC Polar
This lesson answers the question: How does ice floating on the ocean act as it melts?
* Students will learn about temperature, salinity and their effect on density.
* Students will learn that ocean currents are caused by differences in densities as a result of temperature and salinity. These differences allow ocean currents to circulate water
In this activity students learn about varves, annual sediment layers found in lakes. Students will analyze authentic varve data from New England in order to correlate data from three different geographic locations .
Students will analyze authentic varve sediment data and create a graph of varve thickness. Students will use their results to make inferences about
The students' task is to produce a brochure for both the Arctic and the Antarctic. These brochures will be used by the representatives of "Here We Go Travel" to advertise the virtues of traveling to both polar regions. The students will produce a 45 second radio spot that they will write and record as part of their overall
Students will undertake a long term project to evaluate the effectiveness of different local forecasters, match the forecast with the actual weather and analyze which forecaster is best.
Students will compare the accuracy of different weather forecasts. Students will compile and analyze their own data gaining a better understanding of the challenges involved in weather forecasting
This activity was adapted from a TEA activity authored by:
* Sandra Kolb, Education Consultant, Poulsbo, Washington
* Kolene Krysl, Westside Community Schools, Omaha, Nebraska
* Larry Rose, Pleasanton Middle School, Pleasanton, California
* Wendy Slijk, La Costa Canyon High School, San Diego County, California
The original activity can be found at:
Teacher leads class through collaborative lesson. Language Arts, Social Studies and Science Book "Good-Bye My Island". Chapters of the 16 chapter book are read, summarized and taught by teams of students.
General Learning Outcomes:
Academic Achiever-by reading the assigned chapter and summarizing the important points.
Community Contributor-by giving information to the rest of the class so
Field Notes, the newsletter of Polar Field Services highlights a number of PolarTREC expeditions and 2010/2011 application period. Visit the article online.
This short article is an U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service fact sheet about Ursus maritimus, the Polar Bear. It covers basic information, including: appearance, feeding habits, reproduction, adaptations, and protection.