Students decorate polysterene cups later to be submerged in the ocean. Subsequent activities have students consider the effects of water pressure and depth with respect to their cups.
Students will determine mass and volume of a styrofoam cup. They will calculate the density and research the depth of the Bering, Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. They will
This is a one hour webinar event held in collaboration with APECS for Polar Week. On 20 March 2012 young scientists Meagan Grabowski and Piotr Angiel spoke with students about their work in polar science.
This is a one hour webinar event held in collaboration with APECS for Polar Week. On 22 March 2012 young scientists Jennifer Provencher and Piotr Angiel spoke with students about their work in polar science.
This presentation is part of the Polaris Project Webinar Series preparing participants for the field season 2012. This is one of two lectures to view for Session Two. You need to also watch the Sobczak Presentation Archive.