This is a one hour PolarConnect event with PolarTREC teacher Amber Lancaster and her research team aboard the RV Nathaniel B Palmer. They are studying the collapse of the Larson B Ice Shelf in Antarctica and its impact on the ecosystem of the Weddell Sea. Note: Due to satellite phone connection there are a few moments of dropped audio, the
This 1 hour event is for educators interested in learning more on natural methane cycling, terrestrial methane studies in the polar regions, and Mr. Friedman's work with microbial electrochemical technologies. This event is part of the CISE online professional development course.
Students chose a research project, from one of seven suggested projects, to complete in class with a partner. Upon completion they will present their information to the class.
Students will present a scientifically accurate project on a topic related to the PolarTREC Winter Sampling expedition.
Lesson Preparation
Introduce students to the PolarTREC website. Any expedition could be selected
This one hour presentation is part of the C-ISE Physical Science professional development course. Elizabeth Webb in Healy, Alaska explains the carbon balance in warming and drying tundra.
This is a one hour webinar event held in collaboration with APECS for Polar Week. On 22 March 2012 young scientists Jennifer Provencher and Piotr Angiel spoke with students about their work in polar science.
Frontier Scientists puts you in the front row to observe breaking scientific news from leading Arctic scientists in Archaeology, Geology, Anthropology, the Humanities, Biology, Marine Biology, Ecology, Chemistry and more. Many videos on Arctic science are available from their website.
This is a one hour webinar event held in collaboration with APECS for Polar Week. On 20 March 2012 young scientists Meagan Grabowski and Piotr Angiel spoke with students about their work in polar science.
Explore this interactive animation showing the size of Antarctica relative to other continents and countries. This resource was developed by the Italian educational project in the context of ANDRILL (Antarctic Geological drilling) research. The site is in Italian but the animation can be used without knowledge of Italian.
Learn more about Polar Week and research on the southern continent through the website of the Italian National Museum (Museo Nazionale Antartide). Note: The website is in Italian.