UPDATE Here are a few pictures of the beard in Antarctica. You can tell how cold it is by how frozen my beard is! *To beard or not to beard. That is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous facial hair Or to take razor against a face of whiskers
Is it really going to happen? One month from today, I will board a plane headed toward Chile, then a boat through the ominous Drake Passage, finally a short 5 or 6 days later I will step foot on ANTARCTICA! The past 3 weeks has been a whirlwind for me. First I got to meet all the other amazing
Most students, regardless of their grade level, live “in the moment,” concerned only with factors and issues that have an immediate and direct impact on their lives. This is, to a large degree, understandable given the pressures, demands, responsibilities and constraints placed on students during their high school academic years. However, as teachers, we are required to not only
Legend has it that Ernest Shackleton set this ad in “The Times” in London on the 29th of December, 1913 for his planned expedition to be the first to the cross the Antarctic continent. Legend goes on to say that more than 5000 men answered the ad to be a member of his 27 man crew. You can read about
I have been back in Utah now for a couple of days and have time to organize some of my photos, video, and thoughts. There is no way I could sum up all of the amazing things I have seen and learned, and tell you about the wonderful new PolarTREC friends I have met. Here goes an attempt: This is the
This lesson is intended to help students make connections to polar science while discovering how and why sea ice drives deep ocean currents. Students will also learn key terminology related to sea ice and using actual salinity content charts, will graph a typical sea ice core’s salinity as it relates to depth.
Riddle for you What's 800 miles long, is crude but not rude, and zigzags across Alaska? (What is the significance of the silver line running across Alaska in this picture?) Need a hint? 1. One end is the northernmost ice-free port in the United States. 2. It crosses from the south to the north of
This year I will be one of three PolarTREC teachers traveling down to Antarctica. Below is Map of Antarctica, McMurdo station is circled. The blue square shows the area of the sea ice, where we will be monitoring Weddell seals. Stay tuned into my journal in October to follow my awesome expedition!
Daily Journal## The last day of training has arrived and all of us still have so many questions. We are assured that we will have all of our questions answered by the time we go to the field, but it is hard not to feel overwhelmed at times. Just what are all of us anxious to know? Well here is a
Wow! It has been quite an exciting, educational past four days here in Alaska. This trip, here to Fairbanks, has been everything I could have imagined, and so much more. I have been able to experience some of the “Spring-like”, below zero, Alaskan climate. I have seen the northern lights. I have