I drove to Orlando a couple of days ago to head to the Florida Association of Science Teachers Conference (FAST) where I presented about PolarTREC and Operation IceBridge. I met Steve Kirsche, another PolarTREC teacher from Florida. It’s the first time I have ever presented at a science conference
PolarTREC teachers Steve Kirsche and Adeena Teres presented to a group of teachers from around the state of Florida. This is the presentation that they gave at the 2017 Florida Association of Science Teachers (FAST) Statewide Conference on 20 October.
For the past two days, I have been in Orlando, FL at the Florida Association of Science Teachers (FAST) statewide conference. The FAST conference brings science teachers from all around the state together to share ideas and experiences. It has been a great opportunity for me to learn and to network
My deployment date is getting close! If you would like to receive a postcard from the South Pole, please fill out your mailing address on this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfQtva9PS7VTiCftdDt3AztwKGgAhkjY9GLQ-Y8wjWd_kU-kg/viewform
Three more days with my students and I will be gone. The calendar reads six days to departure, but, Saturday is not a school day and sadly, Friday is a no student day at Nicolet. Wait, did I say three days? Yes, one more day of no classes. There is school-wide testing on Wednesday and while I will
This lesson is intended to introduce students to the concept of using ice core samples to learn about the past. Students will be “collecting” a sample from a model of ice. They will then evaluate the sample to see how the layers change as the depth changes.
At the completion of this lesson, students will gain a greater
Curious about how the research team catches the Arctic cod? Wondering what they do with the fish after they catch them? Well come find out! Join us onboard the R/V Sikuliaq as Dr. Joel Llopiz explains the details of his teams research while on the Beaufort Sea! Just click on the link below: https:/
Seton Catholic School's middle school Garden Club applied for and received certification as a Schoolyard Habitat. The school qualified by having a water source (reclaimed pond), forage for animals, and a pollinator garden. Students use these spaces for curricular activities and have received grant funds to extend the gardens and build a nestbox trail for cavity-nesting birds.
My first recollection of the term reentry was that of the Apollo space missions when the capsule that returned with the astronauts inside would reenter the earths atmosphere in a ball of flames. Then later there were similar reentry events with the Space Shuttle program. There was always talk of the
Sirens are screaming. Every alarm bell in my head is sounding off simultaneously. 15 days till deployment. Too late to get off the train. I'm here for the long haul, but there is so much to do and so little time left to check the items off my list. I have had months and yet, no time at all. The PQ