Location: Lat: 77 37.369 N Long: 164 40.738 W Sunrise: 9:57am Sunset: 7:25 pm Today is another day of transit, we are heading back towards the southwest. I thought I would take this opportunity to give an overview of some of the other things going on aboard the Polar Sea. The
The students' task is to produce a brochure for both the Arctic and the Antarctic. These brochures will be used by the representatives of "Here We Go Travel" to advertise the virtues of traveling to both polar regions. The students will produce a 45 second radio spot that they will write and record as part of their overall
Students will undertake a long term project to evaluate the effectiveness of different local forecasters, match the forecast with the actual weather and analyze which forecaster is best.
Students will compare the accuracy of different weather forecasts. Students will compile and analyze their own data gaining a better understanding of the challenges involved in weather forecasting
This activity was adapted from a TEA activity authored by:
* Sandra Kolb, Education Consultant, Poulsbo, Washington
* Kolene Krysl, Westside Community Schools, Omaha, Nebraska
* Larry Rose, Pleasanton Middle School, Pleasanton, California
* Wendy Slijk, La Costa Canyon High School, San Diego County, California
The original activity can be found at: http://tea.armadaproject.org/activity/kolb/tobesaltyseaiceornottobesaltyseaice_main.html
This week has been a whirlwind. I can't believe that I am leaving in a matter of hours and there is still so much to do. My week started out with a going away party with my friends and family. My entire family came over to my house for the occasion and they even wore their Polar TREC shirts. This
Location: Lat: 77 25.1016 N Long: 166 55.59 W Currently, I am awaiting for the team of researchers to return to the boat. We travelled another 65 miles north last night to get close to the next bear. We just got word back that they were able to successfully find the bear and her cub and
Location:Lat:76 41.648 NLong: 170 27.27.949 W Today, I got dressed up in my flight gear three times in preparation to go out in the helicopter. Twice, I was all dressed up, but then had no where to go - the bears just weren't cooperating. The research team had gone out to look for bears
Location: Lat:76 41.648 N Long: 170 27.27.949 W Today's journal is a random collection of questions that my students submitted to the Ask the Team section. They were such great questions that I decided to group them and turn them into a journal entry. If you have other questions, please
Lat: 75 50.84 N Long: 171 49.40 W Sunrise: 9:47 am Sunset: 8:32 pm ****Today the research team did another search for polar bears based on their GPS locations. What I find interesting is that we are only able to get data on their locations once per day, I imagined that we would have
Location: Lat: 75 25.550 North Long: 164 05.879 West In order to get to the next location of polar bears, we have to travel northwest about 307 miles. This means that for the entire day today we traveled across open ocean with no sea ice and very little marine life in terms of what we