This activity is designed to make a connection between a group of scientists and the students.
Students will learn that scientists are people too.
The teacher will need to contact a group of scientists to make sure they would like to participate in the project and to explain to them the goals of the
As I had mentioned in one of my earlier journal entries, I had to miss one of the summer center programs that I normally teach since the session got underway right around the time that I needed to leave for the Pribilofs. The participants in the Maryland Summer Center for Aquatic Research
This data plotting lesson is about temperature changes throughout the atmosphere. The data was collected together with the ozone data in January 2008.
The temperature vs. altitude profile allows students to make conclusions about annual and seasonal temperature changes in the atmosphere up to about 35 kilometers in the stratosphere. The best part of this lesson is using
This versatile activity was inspired by my own Antarctic voyage (Lollie Garay, Oden Expedition 07) and The Amazing Race. As my students followed the journey through the Antarctic Seas on a USGS map, I realized what a great opportunity this was for them to "see" where I was in a part of the world so foreign to us
The PolarTREC Researcher Informational Webinar provides a program overview to researchers who are interested in hosting a PolarTREC teacher during the 2010-2011 research seasons.
Students will develop research questions that will help them develop an ecosystem profile (species/conditions etc.) of a local pond. Their results will be compared with data from the McMurdo Dry Valley Lakes in Antarctica. Discussions about climate and energy dynamics will be conducted as conclusions are drawn. A map and key for the local pond (species/locations/conditions) will be
It seems like I have been talking to everyone I know about going to the Arctic and the polar bear research for years now - but it’s only been about 6 months. It’s been this vague far off experience - sort of like graduating from high school to a 9th grader. In the past few weeks, the experience is
At James Monroe Elementary we work together to make sure students and staff follow the 3 R's: Be respectfull, Responsible and Resourceful. On this expedition I have seen just how important those qualities are. I am here with a team from Northern Arizona University. The team leader is Dr. Darrell
I am in my tent, wet and bedraggled, working on thawing my fingers, drying my clothes, and writing yet another journal entry. It is raining again....still. 40 minutes ago the fog was so thick I could barely see the cook tent 15 meters away. Now the fog is gone, there is no wind, and I am trying not
We arrived at Allison Lake after a 6 hour drive from Anchorage. From Valdez it took 3 float plane trips (Cordova Air) to get all 5 of us and a lot of gear (really heavy gear) up to the lake. The first job was to set up our tents and then put together our inflatable motor boat and the raft that would