During this lesson, students will learn basic glacial features and how to interpret Topographic maps and satellite images in order to create a model replica of a glacier valley. The Dry Valleys of Antarctica have classic glacial features, both in the barren valleys and in the remaining glaciers in the area. The glaciers are a major contributor to
Note: Due to technical difficulties, there is not a Wimba archive for this event. A PDF of the slides and accompanying audio file are available.
This event with PolarTREC Teacher, Tom Harten, and the seabird ecology team led by PI, Dan Roby, covered the research being conducted on Black-Legged Kittiwakes and Thick-Billed Murres in the Pribilof Islands in the Bering
Elizabeth Eubanks PolarTREC teacher 2008 – Arctic Tundra Dynamics created this lesson to introduce her students to a wide variety of polar scientists and their research. Students will use the PolarTREC and other websites to learn about the various research projects that are going on at the poles. After students have tracked 10 polar scientists they are then
In this activity, students diagram the hydrologic cycle. Most of the concepts will already be familiar to middle and high school students, but this activity is a good way to prepare for making the far more challenging carbon cycle and energy NON-cycle diagrams.
* Students understand that the total amount of water on Earth is constant
In this activity, students diagram the flow of energy through the Earth's ecosystems. A lot of the concepts presented here are necessary in order to fully understand the greenhouse effect and global warming. This lesson is presented as an activity to do before embarking on a study of the greenhouse effect and global warming. Unlike water or carbon
In this activity, students diagram the carbon cycle. A lot of the concepts presented here are necessary in order to fully understand the greenhouse effect and global warming. This lesson is presented as an activity to do before embarking on a study of the greenhouse effect and global warming.
Each group of 2-4 students will research an arctic topic from a list, build a small web page devoted to that topic, link the group’s page to other groups’ relevant pages, and advocate for change around an issue that is important to the topic.
Students will understand the complexity and vulnerability of Arctic ecosystems
The journal assignment involves students in current science research. Through the teacher’s journals, they will learn about how the research teams work together, design their research, tools that are needed and how they live and work in an extreme environment.
Students will be able to:
1. Understand how scientific research is conducted in an extreme environment
Working in groups, students will use common materials to create layers of snow and ice representing thousands of years of stratification. Groups will exchange their ice layers and extract core samples to analyze them.
Notice the phenomenon of stratification.
Notice that layers can tell a story of change over time.
After many hours of traveling, I finally stepped off the bus in Santa Cruz, and Stacy was right there waiting. She had no idea what an adventure this had already been for this country gal! (Did I mention that my graduating class was all of 18?? And, there's no stop light in my hometown.) I picked up