Here is a short, fun little timewarp video of me setting up my tent here at Bonney Camp.
Yesterday was kind of a cloudy day, so when I woke up to clear skies I was amazed by the views in every…
This morning, I said goodbye to Dr. Mark Salvatore and his crew at Lake Fryxell. I hopped on an A-Star helicopter and made a beautiful 20-minute flight up higher into Taylor Valley. I passed Lake…
Here is a video of my hike above our Lake Fryxell Camp during an Antarctic storm. I also find (and show you) another seal mummy up on this climb.
I'm sure you 9th grade Biology students will love…
The Wormherders Make the Newspaper
Check out this cool article in the Daily Herald about our team.
Lake Fryxell Camp
My tent at Lake Fryxell. Headed to bed at 1am. I love this sunshine!
Yesterday's Helicopter Ride From McMurdo To The Dry Valleys
A walk in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica feels what I'd imagine a walk on Mars might be like.
This is our camp at Lake Fryxell. This…
It's coming up on 2am. I am so tired. Here is a quick summary of our day and then I'm closing my eyes for a couple hours.
Woke up to a fire alarm in McMurdo this morning. Just a drill. Ate breakfast…
Early morning hike up Observation Hill
Summit of Observation Hill. This was the hill that Robert Falcon Scott's men climbed each day to look across the McMurdo Sound hoping to spot his team…
For today's journal, we (the "Wormherders") will demonstrate the process we will be using to extract animals from Antarctic soil samples. As an added bonus, Dr. Powers will show one of the animals he…
American "Wormherders" visiting New Zealand's Scott Base
Our Final Day of Required Training
Our day started with fire, waste management, medical, and vehicle operation safety training.
Race Report
Me and Dr. Adams at the completion of the Antarctic Half Marathon. 13 miles of running on the McMurdo Sound sea ice. Good weather (in the 20's with a 10 mph wind), good route to run on,…
This is 11pm!! Check out the sunshine. Our lab is over my left shoulder. Observation Hill behind me. See those white boxes? That's where scientists store their equipment through the winter.
Alyssa Pike, Tasha Griffin, and Dr. Byron Adams, all members of "Team Wormherders" (to be defined later) are excited to get their feet planted on Antarctic ice.
The day started just like yesterday…