It is another day for Science on the journal. So far we have covered,
The rosette, how to collect ocean water at different depths 2. Sampling from the rosette 3. How density contributes to ocean…
Last night was one of those nights that will be very hard to forget for the lucky bunch that went on deck to find an amazing Aurora Australis dancing on the night sky. What an amazing experience!
What a working streak we have here. We have been sampling non-stop for three days now, as it should be. Impressive! The skies have mostly been gray, but the seas have been calm, and that is what…
This is more a mini lesson than a journal. Embrace diversity!
In order to understand a lot of what we are doing here on the boar you need to have a basic understanding of ocean circulation (how…
It finally made its way back to the sun from the cold darkness below. The dance begins as anxious teams of samplers crowd the door holding bottles, boxes, hoses, syringes, and chemicals, all waiting…
I have been busy controlling the small anxiety that the big waves are producing here.
I enjoyed the slow and calm days in the past, but they changed a couple of days ago. I have to focus on…
Another stormy day at the Palmer. We were supposed to have had a station around 10 am; it is 2:18 pm and we are still steaming at 5 knots chasing our tail trying to fend of the big seas. I am getting…
Nice sunny day out there with a smooth sailing. I feel so much more productive when the seas are calmer. I am happy to report that I got an ID for the birds on the birds living on the ice patch.…
I want to answer another common question that I am getting through the 'Ask the Team' tab, what do I eat while in the boat? It is a great question, and I presume the answer will change as weeks go by…
Woke up to an exciting rosette deployment. After more than two days of delays due to strong winds (40 knots) and large waves (15-20 ft) conditions were barely good for a deployment. The waves are…
Let me introduce you to the Rosette, the apparatus that we use for sampling the ocean waters at different depths. The idea is pretty simple, the design is elegant.
Sam and Eric preparing the rosette…