I know I promised to write about the apparatus that we use for collecting water samples, but I decided to write about another topic today, given the questions that I have been receiving through the '…
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Science time! It is time to write about the science happening around here. The weather has been great and the scientists and technicians have been busy in the boat. So much is happening…
Not every day is a good day even in paradise. News have been trickling on the boat about a very destructive earthquake in Christchurch. A gloomy mood filled the corridors and rooms of the vessel, as…
We have been sailing on the N.B. Palmer for a couple of days now. I have been trying to catch up with the McMurdo journals and have not finished, but thought you might twang to know where we are now…
Una de las razones por las que quise participar en esta expedición es el hecho de que las zonas polares, pese a estar tan lejos de las ciudades y zonas industriales, son las zonas en las que se…
I am amazed by the changes that we have seen in McMurdo in the few days we have been here. The sea ice that covered the area in front of the station has mostly disappear in a couple of days. When we…
Un día normal en la Antártida, más no así en casa.
Another great day in Antarctica, but it seems like my colleagues back home are having a less regular day than I am. As you already know, I left the…
Opening boxes is full of anticipation. Scientists look like four year olds on their birthday hoping to find what they have always wanted. The difference here is that they actually packed the presents…
We are getting ready for moving on board the Palmer. Leaders of each team went to port to see the cargo. A lot of confusion reigned in our scientific party after that field trip. Some…
Now that we had taken the safety briefing that allows us to leave the sheltered station, a few of us decided to hike towards Castle Rock, a nice rock formation in the middle of the glacier behind the…
We had the great opportunity to visit the past by entering Scott's Hut. The british explorer Scott had the hut built for his expedition in which he was attempting to be the first person the reach the…
Second day in the frozen paradise. As unbelievable as this can sound, no one on the cave snored, so I slept amazingly well. We ate breakfast and had, guess what? another briefing. I feel like Obama,…