Another Thank You
In my haste to post yesterday's journal about the PolarConnect Event, I forgot to say a special THANK YOU to our Network Administrators Chris Linden and Valerie Warner for their…
Science Update
The science plan for the day has been temporarily placed on hold due to thick ice. As we exited the Bismark Strait, we experienced thicker ice than expected. The original plan was…
PolarConnect - TOMORROW!
Join me on Monday, October 3rd @ 1:30 EST for a live presentation from Antarctica! Dr. Bethany Jenkins and I will be talking about life aboard the RVIB Palmer and this…
Science Update
Morning trace metal and conventional CTD cast in the shallow waters at the mouth of the Neumayer Strait. We began transiting through the strait around 1000 in order to reach another…
Time is running out to sign up for this live presentation from Antarctica! The presentation starts at 1:30pm EST on Monday, October 3rd. Register for the…
Science Update
The science team has been working non-stop for the past few days. Between wrapping up the first incubation experiment, moving ahead with the next two incubation experiments, setting…
5 Days Until PolarConnect Event!
Are you registered for the live PolarConnect event on Monday, October 3rd @ 1:30pm (EST)? If not, click here. Hope to see you virtually in a few days!
Science Update
We have finished our sampling in this area of the Drake Passage and are heading towards another sampling station. While underway, the science team is collecting final samples on…
Science Update
Today we are sampling in the Drake for a number of different experiments. We are setting up Incubation 3 as well as a number of experiments for some of the graduate students from the…
Science Update - Incubation 1 & 2 Underway
Yesterday, we collected seawater samples for Incubation 2. The weather continued to worsen during the day, so it was an all-hands operation to make…
Science Update
Today was a long day! Yesterday's powerful winds made it difficult to sample, so we delayed the start of Incubation 2 until today. Incubation sampling requires three full casts of…
Science Update
Today is day 10 of the current incubation experiment. We were planning to set up incubation experiment #2 today, however, the winds are making it a little difficult. Today may end up…