Cruise Day 7 Speed 11.7 knots (kts) Course 344° (N) Location Bering Sea, approx. 50 nm SW of Nome, Alaska Depth 33 m ## GO DEEPER DISCUSSION: (see previous journal for the questions.) The elements Neodymium, Thorium, and Radium are not present in significant amounts in most
Cruise Day 6 Speed 11.3 knots (kts) Course 63° (ENE) Location Bering Sea, approx. 43 nm SW of St. Lawerence Island Depth 86 m ## GO DEEPER DISCUSSION: (see previous journal for the questions.) Station #2 is a shelf station, meaning the sampling takes place in the shallow water
Cruise Day 5 Speed 11.3 knots (kts) Course 62° (ENE) Depth 86 m ## GO DEEPER DISCUSSION: (see previous journal for the questions.) Short-tailed Albatrosses were extensively hunted for their feathers. In 1954 ornithologists found 25 breeding pairs on Tori-shima island, while 2364
Cruise Day 4 Speed 1.1 knots (kts) Course 203° (SSW) Location 60.23° N, -179.04° W Depth 716 m ## GO DEEPER DISCUSSION: (see previous journal for the questions.) Sunbeams emanating from gaps in the clouds are called crepuscular rays. The beams are actually nearly parallel
Cruise Day 3 Speed 12 knots (kts) Course 316° (NW) Location Bering Sea, approx. 335 nm SW of St. Lawerence Island, 58.40° N, 175.89° W Depth 1124 m ## GO DEEPER DISCUSSION: (see previous journal for the questions.) The map image from yesterday shows many sea-floor features
This lesson is for students to be able to read an informative piece of writing and identify factual statements and statements of opinions. In this lesson, we will be focusing on local and national articles relating to climate change.
This lesson was inspired by my time in Denali looking at evidence consistent with climate change and being exposed
The students will analyze T.S. Elliot’ s “The Waste Land” and make connections between Elliot’s premonition of global drought.
* Students should be able to define vocabulary at the end of lesson. Analyze section V: ”What Thunder Said” of Elliot’s “The Waste Land”.
* Students will use graph to tease data.
* Students will write literary
“A sense of place is the sixth sense, an internal compass and map made by memory and special perception together.” – Rebecca Solnit
This lesson allows students to record observations from a specific “sit spot” that they will visit on weekly nature hikes. Students will note seasonal changes of the area including its wildlife, flora and fauna, using
Cruise Day 2 Speed 12 knots (kts) Course 308° (NW) Location Southern Bering Sea, approx. 55 nm SE of Pribliof Islands, 56.40° N, 171.25° W Depth 145 m ## GO DEEPER DISCUSSION: (see previous journal for the questions.) Each Niskin bottle on the 36-bottle CTC holds 10 liters of
This elementary aged lesson can provide a basis for future extensions and research regarding climate change and enhanced green house gases. The purpose is to brainstorm and discuss what students currently know about climate. (It could be based on the model- “What we know, What we want to know, What we learned”.)