We are now in the next stage of our phase shift experiment! ##The first steps Remember, we have two groups: the control group and the experimental group, with eight Arctic ground squirrels in each group. The control group is on a pretty normal squirrel schedule: 9AM-7PM, while the experimental group
Don’t know? You can get an idea if you go to the trusty (usually trusty) word root method. We could take this a few places. In Greek mythology, Pyrrah was the daughter of Pandora (you know, the one with the box that got opened.) Pyro we associate with fire – pyrotechnics as in fireworks, pyromaniac
In addition to Lynn and Kasper, there are four other teachers who will be helping with the Joint Science Educaion Project: Rikke Jorgensen, Britta Culbertson, Sheryl Sotelo, and Christian Berner Skipper. Rikke's bio and photo will be in a later journal enry; the other three are below. Britta
24 hours of light? So, you already know that it’s daylight the entire time I am here at Toolik Field Station (earning the Arctic the nickname “Land of the Midnight Sun”), but you might not fully understand WHY. Check out this animation for a
That's a lot of what science is actually. Science can and has helped us look far into the past to understand what has happened on this planet millions of years ago and where we came from. It guides us in understanding the world we live in today. And it can help us predict how things may look like
Eight students from Greenland will be participating in JSEP this year, representing three of the four high schools in the country. They are: Makka Marcussen and Naasunnguaq Olsen from Aasiaat; John Peter Petersen, Lana Lovstrom, and Michael Bro from Nuuk; and Frederik Berthelsen, Nuka Otto Thomsen
Fantastic Flowers The tundra went from brown to green in just a matter of days! Ground that was covered with dirt just last week is now blanketed with flowers and low, green shrubs. While attempting to identify flowers in Jeanette’s intriguing book called “*Land of Extremes: A Natural History of
There is so much media hype and public misunderstanding regarding the issue of climate change that advanced students need to be equipped to sort through the information available, find data from appropriately moderated scientific data bases, and learn to support their views with good scientific evidence rather than emotion. This lesson provides the outline for giving students some preliminary
This article describes the upcoming travels of PolarTREC science teacher Nell Kemp from Kenwood Academy High School’s Academic Center. Ms. Kemp will be traveling to Toolik Field Station in Alaska to examine how arctic wolf spiders influence arctic food webs.
I ask a lot of questions here at Toolik. Some of them I pose to myself and puzzle over the answers independently, some I share with others. I have interviewed a few scientists while I have been here at Toolik and during my [time at sea]( http://teacheratsea.wordpress.com/category/noaa-teacher-at-sea