There's something that has been a nagging curiosity since soon after I arrived at Kevo. There just are not many different tree species here. Now Fairbanks is not known for its great variety of tree species, especially when compared to somewhere like the east coast of the United States. However
Over the last few weeks I have been working with members of the research team, PolarTREC staff, and communications representatives from CH2MHill Polar Services (CPS) to figure out the most dependable and effective Internet connection accessible from our remote field site near the glacier Mulajokull
In part two of this two-part lesson students work in pairs to explore the effects of temperature on ocean stratification using a simple plastic shoebox-sized container in which they create a mini-ocean environment. Students will apply what they learn in the lab setting along with information gained in several online articles to a basic understanding of the Global Conveyor
Today is the big day - we plan to launch the Fish Spy. This journal is going to be very short as I will be starting my 12 hour fishing shift soon. When we go on the fishing trips we fish around the clock. We divide into two teams - one fishes from Midnight til Noon. The other team works from Noon to
Several times now the orava have come to visit as I sit and type by one of the windows in Juovva (where I am staying at Kevo). ##The Orava The Latin name for the orava is Sciurus vulgaris. As you can see from the photo, the Eurasian red squirrel is different from the American red squirrel, whose
After spending time on the tundra, I realize that most of the ideas I had about the tundra were wrong or incomplete. Watch this video to learn more! http://
Over the next 5 days, we will introduce our US students (in alphabetical order). We are SO excited -- we meet in Albany, New York, in just a little over two weeks, and then -- GREENLAND! Sam Blair is a 17 year old from the small town of Great Barrington, Massachusetts. He grew up exploring the
What’s in a Name?## As the school year starts to wind down and my expedition date quickly approaches, I realize that our ever present class mascot is still nameless! In my previous post, I
Tim asked me today how many km of radar data I have from this site and this got me thinking this morning while waiting for Tim and Dave to get picked up. I am on call with the land/air radio, VHF radio, and satellite phone to communicate with Erich at base camp for updates on weather, helicopter
We set sail today for a fishing trip and to launch the Fish Spy! We will be setting out trawls tonight around midnight. This is the best way to catch icefish. They are benthic organisms. Which means they primarily hang out on the bottom of the sea floor. Icefish have no swim bladders so to hover in