Fall in Flagstaff is Spring in Christchurch, New Zealand When we crossed the International Date Line we changed the date, and when we crossed the equator we changed the seasons! When it is fall in…
During the night, on our flight, we crossed the International Date Line – which runs a zig-zag pattern north and south down the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The International Date Line isn’t a…
After finishing my packing and doing some last minute work at school, my husband and daughter drove me to the Flagstaff airport and I said "good bye” to them for 7 weeks.  I still can’t believe I’m…
Dr. Stacy Kim and Rusty Fairey both work at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in Moss Landing, California. The Dr. in front of Stacy's name stands for "Doctor" but she isn't a medical doctor. There…
Two members of the SCINI team, Nick and Bryan, are both "undergraduates" - that means they go to college but haven't completed getting their degrees yet. There are no colleges, universities or even…
"There is NOTHING--absolutely nothing--half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats" is a lovely quote from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame. I have always loved boats and…
The SCINI team divers practiced their diving, coring, and photography skills in the murky waters of Monterey Bay on August 23rd. One of the student experiments we will be doing in Antarctica relates…
The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) has a large dive tank inside one of their buildings. Team SCINI went there on August 23rd to practice diving with the equipment they will use in…
It takes a team to build a submersible. It takes a lot of people to build a submersible. Here are some of the people that have been busy working on SCINI. If you read the short descriptions of each…
Do you know how tall this charming and intelligent 2nd grader is? Then you also know that SCINI is 51 inches tall. But Savanna will keep growing and SCINI can't grow unless Bob and the team add…
The SCINI team met at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories in California on August 23rd and 24th. There are eight people on the team and, in future posts, I will be giving you quizzes to learn more…
The SCINI team is looking for "Frequently Asked Questions" for their website at scini.mlml.calstate.edu What questions do you have about the ROV, about how it was developed, or anything else! Let…